Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Tribute to My Grandparents

This past Sunday, my parents, siblings, and I went to pay respect to my grandparents on the annual event of Ching Ming. I am, again, reminded of the path which they had paved for us so that we are what and where we are today.

I am especially emotional when I think of my paternal grandpa. He had always been the advocate and catalyst to my parents in sending me abroad for studies. He was also the one whom I did not get a chance to say goodbye to during his passing because I was in the midst of my first semester of studies in the US. This was 10 years ago.

When I think of my paternal grandma, I always can hear a very loud voice shouting at misbehaving kids. Towards the end of her life, she had toned down a lot.

As for my maternal grandpa, it is funny that this is what I remember most about him. He used to like to drink a lot. Whenever he is drunk, he will speak English, and when he is sober he hardly speak English 8-)))), good thing is he is never violent when drunk. He was someone who was very independent even until old age, always not wanting to trouble anyone for anything.

2 Sundays ago as we were on our way to BLC, there were quite a bad jam. Bad jam on a Sunday, we thought? Then, we realized that it was Ching Ming. My wife told me something which I found to be profound. Not exact words but it went something like this, "I don't understand why these people must wait for a once in a year opportunity to come pay their respects and caused all these traffic. Aiya, I think the best is treat them good when they are alive and not when they are dead.". Yes indeed, something for us to digest.


Blogger Sivin Kit said...

if we forget those who've gone before us, we've lost track of who we are today, because without them there will be no "us" - and of course, this works the other way round as well as we look to the future for those who will be walking after us.

I'm always encouraged by a post like this ... recapturing especially how Grandparents blessed us (sadly they are often left aside as society rushes ahead not only in memory but like Su Ling said when they are alive)

with God's help, let's do better

2:28 PM  

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