Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Huh? Early Retirement?

Sometime ago during lunch, my friends were talking about how good it is to be able to retire with lots of money. One of them said that his dream is to own a small resort in Thailand and to sit back and relax looking at the waves crash into the beach.

I, too, would like to “retire” early but not in that sense. I don’t like the term “retirement”. It sounds like you’re not going to do anything anymore, just waiting for the day to come. I see it as being financially free. Meaning not needing to depend so much on a job or on anyone to feed me and my family. It also means to me that I can work out of choice and not necessity. Being financially free doesn’t mean you need to be rich and have loads of money. It also means that you’ll have more time to do what you want to do and not get tied down to the obligation of a 9-to-5 job.

I think many people (including my friends) think that achieving retirement is the ultimate, and stop working at once, and start rotting 8-). It is, in some sense but definitely not the ultimate to me. For me, it’s the beginning of working life without the fear as the driver but joy. I don’t think God work in fear creating the whole universe in the 7 days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it is quite normal for Asian to think such a way. Asians have been working for so hard in their early days. Look at those westerners, almost most of them will do part time, earn enough and travelling around the world. How many of Asians can the opportunity to do such thing???

You are right! Shouldn't just laze around during nothing... For me, I also looking for my retirement, so that I can do things I like, may be backpacking again and being a nomad around the world to see what can I contribute.

- Fly High

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh, next time put your initials la so that i know who u r...

4:49 PM  
Blogger skng74 said...

first of all, thanks for your comments. no, i don't think you're being controversial and you've a valid point. i often question myself too when i think of this topic. i feel it's wrong if this is my ultimate objective in life and it's even more wrong if i pursue this at all cost. sometimes it's excuses that people give for going for double income. i know that there are families who live on 1 income, no doubt about that. But, i'm not sure if you know the average m'sian income. i can tell you that it's low. furthermore, the purchasing power is low as well. necessity things are expensive over here as compared with developed countries. i've been in the US for 6 years and earning US$2000 there and earning RM$2000 here is a big big difference.

No doubt there are young couples who really slog for the sake of earning more (one of my colleague even live on long distance relationship with the husband for the sake of earning more and this i can't grasp at all), but there are also average people like us who can't live on 1 income not because i'm want more but simply not enough, every month would be a deficit in my budget.

i'm a planner and budgeter just like you but i always try my best to make sure that these issues don't get in the way of my relationship with God.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Sivin Kit said...

the moment we see ourselves as "stewards" of creation (which includes finance) we're already "free" (even financially free). What if we don't choose to be "put in a box" by ideas and philosophy of life others (or the world)set for us. Of course, the ideal is to love what you do 9 to 5. But, there are loves when the 9 to 5 job allows you to pursue other passions (often our real passion) while keeping in touch with people who need "us" around the 9 to 5 environment as well. When work is redefined from "earning a living" to "a place where I participate in God's ongoing work", maybe there would be some "butterfly effect" really to happen

6:55 AM  

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