Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Justice, Mercy, and Grace

Picture this...

Scene #1: Your neighbour's son is playing ball. Suddenly, there's a loud crash. You realised that your front window has just been broken by a strayed ball from your neighbour's son. You grabbed him and went to your neighbour's house and demanded for punishment for his son and the cost of replacing the broken window.

Scene #2: Your neighbour's son is playing ball. Suddenly, there's a loud crash. You realised that your front window has just been broken by a strayed ball from your neighbour's son. You went over to tell you neighbour about the incident but insisted that it was an accident and his son is at no fault. However, you accepted your neighbour's offer for the replacement of the broken window.

Scene #3: Your neighbour's son is playing ball. Suddenly, there's a loud crash. You realised that your front window has just been broken by a strayed ball from your neighbour's son. You went over and asked the boy if he's ok. Then, you brought his back to your neighbour's house and incident the neighbour about the incident. You insisted that it's just an accident and his son is at no fault. In fact, you offered to pay for the replacement of the broken window yourself.

The first scene depicts Justice. The second scene depicts Mercy. The third and final depicts Grace. This is the illustration of the power of Grace when I was listening to Pastor Bill Hybels' message several years ago while I was still working in the US. It was such a powerful picture that it stayed on with me. I was reminded of it again when I was reading the Travel Mercies book by Mr. Tan Soo-Inn. This picture of Grace just blew my mind of how His grace is to us.


Blogger Sivin Kit said...

when Grace blows our mind ... that's the kind of grace that makes a difference. Justice and mercy is still part of life, but grace lifts us up to a different level.

10:54 AM  

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