Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Crash Again!

Late yesterday evening, as SL was driving along MRR2 on the way to pick NN, a car hit her from behind. It was raining heavily and according to the lady driver, her brakes failed her.

Come to think of it, there are several things that could have made the situation even worse. If SL were traveling on the down slope part of the highway, the impact would have been much worse. However, the accident happened when she was traveling on the up hill part of the highway. Even that the impact was quite hard. If NN is in the car, the impact could send her hitting the windscreen because she is usually not restrain by a seat belt.

We thank God that no one is hurt in this incident but this is often a reminder or warning to us to not take things for granted. On a lighter and more positive note, the lady driver asked SL how she could be so calm and not mad at her for causing the accident. Even the police in the station thought that SL and the lady were friends because they were seen talking to each other like friends. “Forgive us, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”, ironically, we were supposed to attend LG to discuss the 4th session on forgiveness. I think SL displayed that in action.


Blogger Sivin Kit said...

again .. we never take life for granted. Good to know no one is hurt and SL was calm under such "unwanted" circumstances ...

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks God everyone is OK. Again, she has shown good example as a christ follower. I "lightly touched" on a malay lady's car last week too. Immediately I admitted my fault because it was my fault really.... cost me RM200 and they were nice to me as well... imagine how frighten I was as I have to follow her back to speak to her husband... a big size and hairy dark guy :-P


4:45 PM  

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