Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Responding to Obedience

“Love God, love people.”. The greatest commandment is such a simple instruction, yet so hard to practise it.

SL and I were having our usual bedtime talks last night. She told me that her Finance/Accounts Manager is leaving the company after only less than a year working there. SL talked to him and found out that the boss wanted him to manipulate some accounting figures. We don’t know the details. It may not be totally “illegal” but I bet these are grey areas which he couldn’t tolerate it. As a Christian, he said he don’t feel right doing it, therefore gave 2 months’ notice and tendered his resignation to the boss.

We admired his courage, not only because he stood up for his belief, but also for didn’t need to think twice or worry about consequences of his decision. He has 2 kids, a wife who is a full-time homemaker, and he is close to 40 years of age. He admitted to SL that he knows it’ll be tough for him to get a job but that didn’t stop him from standing firm in his belief. He is also the same guy who encouraged SL consider the homemaker vocation.

I wonder what I or anyone else will do in the face of events challenging our faith. We’re not even talking about life or death situations, just everyday life situations. To me, he definitely showed obedience to God by embracing His commandments, i.e. Love God.


Blogger Sivin Kit said...

I like how Brian McLaren expands (based on a wider reading of the Bible and understanding of the Gospel) the love God , love people command ..

Love God, Love people,
in community
for the sake of the world.

when I read about this man who stood up for his beliefs I'm challenged how we as a Christian community stand with him (or in his case I suspect his church or cell group?)And this Christian community might also help him find a new job or other practical aspects of help (so we don't just stay at admiration) Because when all of us STAND UP ... it REALLY makes a difference for our world.

my 2 cents

11:43 PM  

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