Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Date with Rumah Hope

The first time we had an event (more of being guest in their Christmas event) with the Rumah Hope kids was last Christmas.

This time around is better since we had more interaction with them. At first, I was hesitant of going on Saturday morning because it was pouring at my place. However, I decided to just go and see what happens after all I’ve promised NN to bring her along. We were glad that the rain stopped when we arrived.

Kudos to DB’s team who made this event a “great success”. Though, the BLC kids were too young (with exception of Adam and Eze), otherwise it’ll be good to see them able to mix around more with the Rumah Hope kids.

Having these kids around is not a matter of doing something good for them. Sometimes, it’s the other way round. We learned something, at least how to control a group of excited kids, 8-D. Boy are they difficult to control once they’re having lots of fun.

As we were leaving the parking lot, NN and I waved goodbye to the kids who were leaving in the bus. NN then asked me why they were leaving in a bus and they don’t have cars. I explained to her that most kids like her are very lucky to have good parents and homes but there are some who don’t have that privilege. She nodded and we left.


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