Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Grass is Greener on the Other Side

I just realized how far behind am I from my last entry....

Grass is greener on the other side. This is often the excuse for seeking better opportunities or rather better paying jobs. I am in my 8th year of my career life since getting my paper degree and currently in my 3rd job. In fact, I’m closing in to 4 years in my current employment in a multinational bank. It is a long time for today’s career in the IT industry.

I have been hearing more and more people wanting to go or have done overseas for work to get exposure. However, I think the main motivation is still the dough. That was also once my main motivation when looking for my next career move but not anymore now. In fact, I just got to know that a colleague in another team is re-locating his entire family to Canada! Every time I hear stories like this I often think what so bad with Malaysia that people would want to go through such trouble to “get away”.

We are all in some way guilty of not counting our blessings. We often see what we don’t have rather than seeing what we already have. If we adopt the latter’s attitude, then the grass is equally green on all sides.

It is almost a year since we started living on single income. It has certainly helped me be more prudent, organized in terms of the family finances, and most of all savor what we already have as a family unit. Indeed, He never fails to provide especially when we heed his promptings. My recent job promotion and performance award have come in no better timing than now as the Nags expect our 3rd child in a few months.