Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Grip of Money

Another thought on money.

My colleague told me that he was called upon about an opportunity with a foreign bank in Singapore during lunch a few weeks ago. His dilemma is to go or not to go because he had just started a relationship with someone recently. He asked me for my opinion.

My 2 cents to him. Long distance relationships are fragile even though Singapore is not very far away but far enough for them not to meet and communicate regularly. His excuse to go is to the ability to quickly pay off his housing loan here in M’sia. I told him that if he is prepared to lose the relationship then go ahead, otherwise please think twice. Don’t let money control you, instead you control money. That’s the last thing I told him and the ball is in his hands and he needs to decide what to do with it.

1 & 2 Samuel

We concluded 1 & 2 Samuel last night. We were all very disturbed by the fightings & killings portrayed here. I guess we will if we only focus on them. Some interesting points we’ve drawn from our study:

1) God seemed to be cruel in punishment even at the slightest inkling of sin but God and sin don’t mixed at all. Analogy of water and oil don’t mixed helped us see why God is so intolerable of sin.

2) We’re more appreciative of Christ’s death. The punishment for sin is death. We always think that it refers to spiritual death. However, after reading 1 & 2 Samuel, I guess death also means literal death as we see how He punishes those who sin with literal death. So, Jesus’ coming to save us has more meaning to us now. Otherwise, a lot of us will be dead by now!

3) David’s exceptional ability to forgive his enemies and quickness of repentance from sin just amazes us sets a great example for us.

Irony of Double Income

I guess there are many families who can’t afford living on single income. There are also families who can afford but wanted the extra income for whatever reasons. Here comes the irony of the latter.

Parents who work need to pay babysitters (those who are lucky, will have their parents to help out) to take care of their kid(s) while they’re busy making the extra bucks. That’s what they think. How about thinking about it this way. Parents who work need to pay money to sacrifice time with their kid(s), from the extra bucks earned during the sacrificed time with their kid(s).

Sound like a lose-lose situation to me. Indeed, money has a greater stronghold on people than we think it has. I say that because of people’s reaction when hearing that SL is going to be full-time homemaker, as if it’s abnormal though it is in some sense.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

School Holidays

Originally uploaded by ngoy.
This past 2 weekends the 3 cousins got a treat as we brought them to the Royal London Circus on the 1st weekend and the National Zoo on the 2nd weekend.

Originally uploaded by ngoy.
However, to our surprise the circus wasn't very entertaining to them. So, as you can see here they're having their own show in the corner.

Originally uploaded by ngoy.
The circus wasn't very royal after all. Quite a disappointment as we expected more after all it's the 21 century circus. The only thing which was very different from the circus of our time is the air-condition and live music incorporated into the performances.

Originally uploaded by ngoy.
NN is very fond of animals and we expect more of that from the circus. However, there weren't a lot of animal performances.

So, that's how we decided to take them to the Zoo on the following weekend.

Originally uploaded by ngoy.
It was indeed very tiring during our time in the Zoo as it was a hot day and we've to do a lot of walking (of course!). Most of all, the kids enjoy it a lot, certainly more than the circus.

Originally uploaded by ngoy.
NN enjoyed herself so much at the Zoo that she crashed that night and slept like a log! 8-)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

1st Blogging Anniversary

I just realised that this month marks my 1st anniversary of blogging. Time flies. It has indeed helped me to reflect on our lives by thinking. It has also helped me put my thoughts down when I find it hard to verbalize them.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Thoughts After Sunday II

Pastor SK said someone mentioned that it’s really difficult to be a Christian at work when one is so bogged down with work. That is why I don’t have the intention to climb the corporate ladder. Generally, the higher you climb, the more responsibility you’ve to shoulder. I’m sure some may think that I’ve no ambitions (in the eyes of the world or maybe Christians too!). Frankly, in the corporate world if I don’t climb the ladder, I’m not sure where I can go in 5-10 years time. Surely, no company would want to pay a higher X amount to anyone when they can pay a lower Y amount to some fired-up-raring-to-go freshie. Therefore, I’m taking a day at a time at work and see how I can touch lives and at the same time asking God to touch this very imperfect me and also keeping an eye out to see what else I can do in terms of vocation.

God placing all of us in our various workplace is one thing, but being able to counter the distractions and problems associated with it and be effective Christians is a totally separate thing. May God help us.

Thoughts After Sunday

After Sunday morning’s message, I thank God that SL and I are going to take the leap of faith in an area where we could just go with the flow. After all, everyone is doing it. Well, just because a lot of people are doing it that doesn’t make it the right thing to do, does it? (Wide gate, narrow gate??).

I do agree very much with Pastor SK that we in the city are too comfortable and yet still complaining. We’re in the world but not of the world but somehow I still see people living like that. Let us not take our blessed fortune for granted but constantly giving thanks to our Provider.