Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Love and Time First

“We are not earning enough to have kids yet”. This is a common reply I get when posing the question to married couples without kids yet that when they would want to have them. SL and I have previously also had the same mindset, i.e. money always comes first when thinking about family planning especially after we have 1 child. I guess all that changed when God decided that the NGs should be a bigger family unit by giving us another child on the way. I decided to no longer worry myself if I earn enough to support another child but rather to think how SL and I should managed our attention and love given to 3 children.

After meeting up with NN class teacher for her 1st semester review, it has further strengthened our changed mindset. Apparently, after the chat we realized that SL’s labour as a homemaker is beginning to bear fruit on NN overall development. Her teacher noted marked improvement on both academic and also character level. Sufficient finances will always be helpful, but sufficient love and time given to our kids should always be equally, if not more, important. We truly owe it to our kids because it is our choice, not theirs, to bring them into existence, that they will be given adequate guidance to experience life at its fullest even in this imperfect world of ours.



Blogger Skyhover said...

It is good that you have been mature in your life experience and your walk to christ's value. More to come and same as for me here :-)

8:53 AM  

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