Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


A nasty virus is on the loose. I got sick mid-week last week but have since recovered. Unfortunately, I’ve passed on the virus to some people around me, 8-(.

I didn’t realize how bad I was until I actually passed out for a while, long enough for me to take fall. I only realized that I had “blacked out” when SL and kids came dashing for me. Felt really bruised on my forehead, knee, and lips but it could have been worse.

For some reason, my past 2 worship leadings have been plagued by unforeseen distractions, especially since I’ve resolved to take worship leading preparations seriously.

Su-Ann has been coming to our place for the past 1 month as part of our new arrangements with Ling2. She was not happy with the previous nanny, that led to her proposition for SL to “baby-sit” Su-Ann.

NN2 is growing up well. Indeed, it is easy to tell she is total different from her elder sis. She is really smiley. Smiles almost at an instant when you talk to her. Very playful as well. Her 5th month is fast approaching. Wow!

God has been gracious to us in many ways. What I’ve learned through these few months is “obey first, question later”.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Keeping Sane

Leisure time has been quite different for us now with an infant around. Right now, our entertainment is the one-eyed box, yes, the TV. Thankfully, I’ve a colleague who is gracious enough to burn us DVDs of current TV series from the US which he constantly download from the Internet. Some shows which we’ve the privilege of watching are CSI, CSI:NY, Lost, Smallville, etc, all the latest! So, forget about our local TV stations.

Past weekend, I told SL to take a break and get out of the house. So while I stayed home with NN2, on Friday night SL took NN along for an ex-colleague’s Deepavali open house and on Saturday she brought NN to watch Chicken Little.

Caring for kids is no small matter. It can drive any person up the wall. I told SL that it’s good to take breaks to keep her sane, 8-)).