Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Last Friday, I attended an interesting company training called FISH! Philosophy. It’s a training to help us facilitate an energized workplace. The objective of the training is to get all of us to see how we can have fun at work, eliminate the monotony, and turn our workplace into an enjoyable place to be. The are 4 basic principles to FISH!. They are:

1) Play
2) Make their day
3) Be there
4) Choose your attitude

The trainer suggested us to switch the 2nd and 3rd principles around. He said that the reason is you can’t really make a person’s day without having being there to listen to his/her needs and knowing the person.

I feel we could use a little of principles 2 and 3 in BLC also. As James mentioned yesterday, we should go up to someone and say “good job” or “nice playing” to make their day but more than that to encourage them. A great avenue which I’ve experienced of principle 3 is during the sharing time in between music rehearsals and in LGs because conversations can also get very superficial in BLC.

I’m rather amused to see how companies are investing time and money in these kind of trainings in order to get their staffs engaged. I guess when staff are really engaged, it’ll indirectly translate to profits for the company.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Crash Again!

Late yesterday evening, as SL was driving along MRR2 on the way to pick NN, a car hit her from behind. It was raining heavily and according to the lady driver, her brakes failed her.

Come to think of it, there are several things that could have made the situation even worse. If SL were traveling on the down slope part of the highway, the impact would have been much worse. However, the accident happened when she was traveling on the up hill part of the highway. Even that the impact was quite hard. If NN is in the car, the impact could send her hitting the windscreen because she is usually not restrain by a seat belt.

We thank God that no one is hurt in this incident but this is often a reminder or warning to us to not take things for granted. On a lighter and more positive note, the lady driver asked SL how she could be so calm and not mad at her for causing the accident. Even the police in the station thought that SL and the lady were friends because they were seen talking to each other like friends. “Forgive us, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”, ironically, we were supposed to attend LG to discuss the 4th session on forgiveness. I think SL displayed that in action.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Community @ Work

All permanent staffs in my company are going to sit for our annual engagement survey which is called Q12. Basically, there’s this American company called Gallup which conducts these survey. It’s to measure how engaged are the employees of the surveyed company.

It’s so important to the company that they’ve many sessions on understanding the questions. They even have a mock Q12 so that the management can do a temperature check.

Results came out of this mock survey and my team got the highest of all the teams in our company. The senior manager of the division, of which my team belongs, attribute this to the fact that my team is one of the pioneer teams when the company started 2 years ago. So, we understand the questions really well. However, I think it’s more than that. I attribute it to more of the team being community rather than individualism which is pre-dominant in the rest of the teams with regards to our work.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Here's my brother and sister along with his and her partner. Posted by Hello

Now SL is helping NN to cut the birthday cake. Posted by Hello

NN blowing the candles after the birthday song. Look at her trying her best to huff and puff. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Family Ties

Today, NN just turned 2. Time flies as I was watching a video of her when she was 1. There’s some pressure around us to have our 2nd child. But we’re not bothered with the pressure at all. We enjoy the times we have with NN now, as she is out of the “extremely lots of care needed” period. So, we’ll try enjoy this for some time before going for our 2nd.

We celebrated NN’s and SL’s birthdays. Initially, we planned to celebrate my dad’s birthday as well because the 3 of their birthdays fall one after another. However, it’s disappointing that he chose to go with his friends, again. Even more disappointing is my mum who chose to work on 31/8 instead of celebrating her only grandchild’s birthday. But I thank God that my sister and brother turned up.

That is how it is with my family when come to family ties.