This is written some time ago.....
I took the plunge when I made the decision to study in USA with DN. Why PLUNGE? Because I was going to be promoted to be a Team Leader in my company and the MD advised me not to go but to stay on to build my career. I took this “PLUNGE”.
I came back after 6 years in USA and got a little shock of realization that my friends and classmates have already established their careers and here I am just at the beginning line of the RACE. I know I have to run this RACE to catch up with what I have left behind. And I joined Everyday Brush Ind. (M) Sdn. Bhd. On 9 October 2000.
In Everyday Brush, I have gone through a lot of ups and downs ad I have learnt to SURF with the ‘waves’ fully utilizing each wind that comes my way to guide me through. The ‘wind’ in my belief is God sent guidance and ‘angels’ that helped pull me out of the water and back on my ‘surfing board’ to catch the next wind to tackle another ‘wave’. Three (3) years 3 months in this company has taught me a lot from work and also human angles. It is some experience money cannot buy.
In order for me to get to where I am targeting in life, I need to ‘ROW’ hard and also in sync with the people around me. To ‘ROW’ alone is not as difficult as to ‘ROW’ with others. We must all be in one accord, the right timing, the right strokes, the balanced strength, etc.
I strongly believe that if I abide in God, He will abide in me. My ‘AIM’ in life is to live a peaceful and harmonious life with my loved ones and also those around me. I want to help others see this ‘AIM’ as important as the way I see it.
To go home to a refuge where I can unwind and spend quality time with my loving husband and lovely angel daughter. Let there be no squabbles and arguments under the roof we share. If any disagreements, we make sure we settle or conclude it before the next sunrise. To bring up our daughter in a God-guided manner and way.
If the above have been achieved, I visualize a heavenly family growing in love and with love together. A family where each supports the other in prayer and guidance will bring about a healthy and strongly as well as closely knitted family. In times of trouble we know we can count on one another. This is a Household of Faith and Love.
To be active in church serving the Almighty God! This challenge is not an easy one but with God’s mercy and grace we can grow together with other members of the ‘body’. Sharing life experiences to guide one another, giving motivational support and blessing other members with God’s love and God’s abundant providence in our lives. Where there is giving, there is also receiving.
I want to be able to receive criticism and give constructive criticism in a tactful manner. To be able to use my gifts in ways that will build the kingdom of God. To be salt and light of the earth.
If the above can be achieved, the Church would be a place where Christians come from all walks of life to a common place, the footstool of Jesus to share their lives and to serve God. God’s kingdom would grow in His mysterious and unexplainable ways. There would be laughter and cries but all sorrows will be wiped away by the love of Christ for us all.
Work is a tough place as many come with different packages and baggages. My aim is to learn to communicate constructively to others. To be tactful in all my actions and words. I need to learn to be slow to speak and quick to listen. I would love to be able to assist others in their departmental issues and also be able to be their friend that could lend a shoulder to cry on and to lend them a hand when they fall.
If the above could be achieved, I can visualise all staff wearing a smile to work and be upfront sincere with one another. Whatever issues we have at work is not personal but we all concentrate on solving the issues. We can have outings and luncheons together and whenever we walk into the office in the morning, there is a feeling of comfort and satisfaction.
The above is my AIM I hope to achieve not only with my own strength but also with the grace of God.