Life Together as One and Beyond...

Our journey together as one going through the many facets of life.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Lasting Impressions

Just got a call from this particular headhunter for the 3rd time and finally she has made an appointment to meet up with me to talk about some career opportunities.

Recalling more than 2 years when I got my current job through a head-hunter also, I can’t help but wonder where this is going to take me next. As usual, there’s some fear to even think about change right now because I’m truly enjoying my work at the moment, not to mention also my colleagues and friends here. However, I’m always open to explore other opportunities as they come my way. Maybe it’s also time to explore and learn new things. I recalled how my learning curve when up exponentially when I started here and now it’s starting to plateau. So, a change would definitely be good to keep me going with my learning.

Someone once said, “When I change jobs I wonder what kind of legacy I’m leaving behind.” If I leave, I would certainly like my friends to remember me for something encouraging. My salary, job, learning, etc. are all temporary, but in the end touching lives is the most permanent thing I leave behind.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

...When necessary use words

There’s much talk about the need to engage people in conversations when doing evangelism in this age. However, I think generally people don’t want to talk about things like these. Most of the time or the time I spent when my non-Christian friends, the impression I get is they’re not interested in talking about those stuffs. So, what do we do then?

There’s time for us to engage in conversations and also time for us to let our lives speak. However, if our lives don’t show what we engage them in conversations, then I don’t think it’ll make any difference. Worse still, friends will think that we’re just pretending or hypocrites in the name of imposing our values on them.

Yeah I’ve heard that we’re no saints and not many can boast of a life which can really show the values of Christ, but why should we be so ideal? If so, we could think we don’t need Him. It is the imperfection that gives us the reason to admit we’re no perfect being. That in itself is a virtue that we need to show our friends that we need to first admit our sins and depend on Him. This will hopefully help us to be more authentic and real in front of our friends.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Can Buy Me Love or Can't Buy Me Love

We use to hear that “money can’t buy everything”. Certainly not love, is it really? I read about an article of a lonely unmarried businessman, in his 50s, marrying an 18-year old Vietnamese girl through what they call match-making tour. It’s a concept whereby a man looking for a wife would pay a sum of money for everything ranging from the tour, wedding package, dowry, etc. to the bride’s family in order to pick and choose a wife from a foreign land, usually from Vietnam (based on the article).

This man apparently interviewed 12 Vietnamese girls and selected one of them to be his wife. The whole selection and shortlisting took about 30 minutes. Talking about instant! I’m just baffled because most of us took lots of time to get to know our partners. Even those of us who are married are still finding out new things about each other every now and then. So, I really wonder what makes them think that they can shortcut everything and jump on the bandwagon of marriage right away. Desperation maybe? Or just the instant-everything mindset? Beats me.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Ultimate Machine

First of all, I'm just in the mood of blogging. Don't know why, maybe because I just had some chocolates to suppress my hunger 8-).

The Ultimate Drumming Machine ever invented!! Posted by Hello

Anyway, since Mr. Sky is always talking and crazying over Apple products, I thought I'd like to share my craze as well.

The machine that you see above is the most real electronic drums and the closest to the real thing you can ever get. I've played on one before 5 years ago when I was still in the US. You can actually get almost any sound out of an acoustic set with this. It's how Roland has revolutionalised electronic drums. I kinda regret I didn't get it then and ship it back because now in M'sia it cost a BOMB! If you really want to know how much, it cost a whopping RM24,000 the last time I enquire at Bentley. You could buy a Kancil with that amount of money.

I tell you if you've played on this machine before, you wouldn't even want to play on the acoustic set anymore. For me, no choice la since it's so expensive. So, I can only dream for now 8-).

If you're interested to know more about this mean machine, click here.


We've got a surprise that SL got an early confirmation after 4 months on the job instead of the stipulated 6 months.

We got even more surprised when she got a slight increment with that but she also got something else...another division to manage! I was sarcastically kidding with her saying that how great China-man companies are when it comes to returns on their investment. They give you slightly more in pay but also give you much more in work. What a bargain it is for them!! 8-P

Well, having said all that, I told her that she has to be performing real well for them to entrust her with another division in such a short period. So, we've to see how He is leading us in our respective vocations as some know that SL has plans to be a full-time home-maker.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Recently, I had the opportunity to ask 2 questions to 2 of my non-Christian friends. I asked the following 2 questions…

1) What do you think of Christians in general?
2) What do you know about Christianity?

And these are their responses (no editing done) and they intrigued me.

Person #1
1) What do you think of Christians in general?
A:In general Christians are nice bunch of people but there a specified groups that are giving the other bad name.
2) What do you know about Christianity?
A: It is wonderful thing to be share among believer and non believer. But not to the extreme.

Person #2
1) What do you think of Christians in general?
Like people from every other religion, there are good ones and there are bad ones and also those somewhere in between. Some are over enthusiastic to spread their religion to their friends, which can be really irritating.

2) What do you know about Christianity?
It is a religion whereby those who repent, believe that jesus christ is the lord, the saviour.....etc. and adhere to all their religious obligations will go to heaven; else to hell.

Notice that both persons mentioned a something in common. Extreme and over enthusiastic, which are roughly the same meaning. That’s how they view Christians or more accurately some Christian. Nevertheless, they do have very valid points.

What they mentioned is extreme on spreading Christianity, this becomes a stumbling block to the non-Christians. I use to think if there’s such thing as too extreme or overly passionate for our ministry for God. Now, I think there is, and it can become a stumbling block to fellow Christians.


I find a statement made by someone to be ultra-interesting. We were having a conversation on earning a living and suddenly a statement like this was made…

“Those small business owners like hawkers or real estate agents are even richer than us. How is that possible?”. Though it’s not the exact words but the meaning is there. I find this person to be so ignorant that I immediately asked, “What makes you think that we’re even rich?”. The person kept quiet.

We often have all kind of stereotypes for people in our mind. We may not know it but it shows in our speech and actions, so may His Word transform our minds to see all people as equal, though it may be tough.